Where stories matter.

Debut Books is an independent Australian literary agency empowering you to tell your story, your way. Learn how to navigate the publishing process from story concept to publication and beyond.




Big Pitch Energy is a self-paced online course designed to help you craft the perfect book pitch for publishers and literary agents!

The internet is a shouty and opinionated space and the core purpose of my work as a publishing coach has always been to set the expectations on par with what really happens, not what people think happens.

Pitching doesn’t have to be a big scary process; what’s kinda funny is that literary agents and publishers actually tell you exactly what they want!

There is no standard for pitching and submitting your book to literary agents and publishers, however there are commonalities and once you learn the basics, you increase your chances of being noticed by an agent or publisher because you’ll be able to give them exactly what they want!

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☆ Preorder my book

Introducing The Little Black Book of Publishing, your go-to guide for everything you need to know to publish a book in Australia!!

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What's on offer...

What's on offer...

I am so excited to support you on your writing and publishing journey, from the first whispers of ‘I want to write a book’, to finishing your first draft, pitching your book, through the publishing process, and beyond.

I’m interested in building long-term relationships with emerging writers and walking beside you on the path to making your writing dreams your reality. Here’s how we’re going to do it… TOGETHER ↓↓↓

  • Have you ever wanted to show up differently for yourself and your writing practice but not known where to begin?

    Let me provide you with the strategies and tools you need to see your writing journey through and actualise your personal writing success!

  • Write Stuff is a free space for us to commit to our writing practice, no matter what you’re working on. From manuscripts to blog posts to journaling, all forms of writing are welcome! Together, we shall write quietly in each other’s virtual presence.

    No rules. No distractions. Just write stuff! →

  • Whether traditional or self-publishing is your jam, I am offering publishing guidance and tools to emerging writers who are wanting support, accountability, and knowledge about the publishing industry.

    Read all about it →

  • Great writers have always had help in shaping their stories. We need people to approach our writing with a fresh perspective because it is the only way to know if the vision we are striving to achieve is actually working.

    Find out more →

  • Proofreading is the final polish that looks out for any spelling mistakes or typing errors that have been missed during previous rounds of editing.

    It must be a non-negotiable on your to do list.

    Find out more →

Writer. Storyteller. Reader. Book Nerd. Publishing coach. Queer Literary Agent.

I’m Katherine (and that’s me 👆)

A reader-turned-bookseller-turned-publisher-turned-literary-agent, based in Naarm, Melbourne.

As far back as I can remember, my nose has been firmly wedged between the pages of a book.

Storytelling is essential to the human experience, yet not everyone has the same access to contribute stories that become the norm.

With over a decade of experience in the publishing industry, I am determined to change that through book publishing.

If you’re ready to challenge the status quo, you’re in the right place.

Debut Books on


A publication sparking deeper conversations around writing, accessibility to book publishing and representation in literature.

Debut Books is telling the stories no one else does.

Traditional publishing has mostly failed to tell the stories of people across humanity – that much we can agree on - from First Nations voices to queer, migrant, disabled, trans, and peoples of colour’s experiences (and more).

I am interested in celebrating great storytelling that expresses the fullness and complexity of humanity, and building a positive legacy for readers and writers of the future.

I believe in your right to choose what you write about, and how you write it.

This is publishing with a social conscience.

“If you have come [here] because your liberation is bound together with mine, let us walk together.”

Lilla Watson, Aboriginal Elder | Aboriginal activists group, Queensland, 1970s

Meet the Mini Collection: six short works exploring storytelling and power, anti-diet culture, bisexuality, HIV, disability and sex positivity. Intentionally small books to spark big conversations.

Small books on big topics!