A lover of dogs and red wine, Addie is also a lawyer and advocate for people living with HIV. She has been living with HIV since 2012, and in the years since her diagnosis, Addie has worked to educate people about HIV and to tackle the stigma that is associated with the virus. Addie has spoken widely of her experience of being diagnosed and living with HIV and has been featured in numerous publications, television programs and on radio.
She has also been involved in educating medical professionals about HIV, presented at conferences focussed on HIV treatment, and participated in training programs for general practitioners to educate them about HIV testing, and to assist them in their interactions with their patients. Addie has also served as a director of one of Australia’s longest running HIV charities.
Now, Addie lives in Sydney with her partner, Michael, and their scruffy little Jack Russell, Floop.
Addie on More Than This…
“More Than This is simply my story in my words. I was diagnosed with HIV in 2012 – this rocked me to my core. In More Than This I revisit this traumatic time in my life and look back on the journey I have been on over the decade since. More Than This is a story about how I got from HIV being the biggest part of me, a terrible and all-consuming nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from, to where I am now - living well with HIV.”
ISBN: 9780645149203 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780645149210 (eBook)
Title: More Than This
Pub Date: 1 December 2021
RRP: $9.99
Subject: HIV
Extent: 144
Dimensions: 160 x 110mm
Katherine Larsen
Email: publicity@debutbooks.com.au
Mobile: +61 482 476 610
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