Anna Kochetkova is a Russian-born Australian author and poetess, social media strategist for not-for-profits all around the country and a passionate bi+ activist based in Sydney.
Anna is the creator of the Bi & Prejudice Instagram space, which helps celebrate multisexual attraction and human diversity.
Instagram: @annakochetkova Instagram: @biandprejudice
Anna on Bi & Prejudice…
“My Bi & Prejudice book is a seemingly impossible and yet common bisexual journey, from unlearning the toxic teachings of my cultural dominant narrative to reacquainting with my true self. This small in size and BIG in content book is my attempt to connect seemingly disjointed dots across time, cultures and continents. And I am inviting you to join me! My story is split across Russia and Australia, and it has been resonating with bi+ people all around the globe, helping to validate often invisible and misunderstood bi+ experiences. It’s time for bisexuality to take a prime spot on more people’s bookshelves and in our worldviews.”
ISBN: 978068937548 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9780648937555 (eBook)
Title: Bi & Prejudice
Pub Date: 4 October 2021
RRP: AUD $9.99
Subject: Bisexuality
Extent: 136
Dimensions: 160 x 110mm
Katherine Larsen
Mobile: +61 482 476 610
Click to download PDF —> Bi & Prejudice by Anna Kochetkova