Fiona is Director of The Mindful Dietitian and lives in Melbourne, Australia. She has been practising for over 20 years as a specialist dietitian in the areas of eating disorders, body image, and sports and performance nutrition.

Fiona is a committed Health At Every Size® and Non-Diet Dietitian, spending most of her working week supervising other dietitians, or facilitating live and online training events for dietitians and health professionals.

She is host of the podcast “The Mindful Dietitian” and a sports dietitian at The Australian Ballet School and national sporting organisations. Fiona also teaches across dietetic training programs in Melbourne, in Counselling Skills and Weight Inclusive Approaches in Dietetics.

Fiona is a committed mindfulness practitioner and yoga teacher, bringing a particular emphasis of embodiment, mindful eating, trauma-informed approaches and body image to her work and training. She has a “yoga voice” and a “regular person/ occasional bossy-boots voice” and is unapologetically outspoken about diet culture BS.

Instagram: @themindfuldietitian Facebook: Website: Twitter: @FionaBodyPosAus

Fiona on Vitamin A to Z

Vitamin A to Z aims to cut through the most dominant narratives of diet culture - that we should be expending as much time, energy, money and resources on our bodies as possible, preferably in unattainable and unsustainable ways which keep us stuck in cycles of dissatisfaction and yearning. The chapters literally traverse A to Z, from ‘Awareness’ and ‘Bravery’ to ‘Your Body, Your Business’ and ‘Zip It’, offering readers bite-sized peeks into new possibilities, along with journal prompts and opportunities for exploration.

It is a book that sees you, meets you where you are at and invites you into a new partnership with food, eating and your body.”


  • ISBN: 9780648937517 (Paperback)

    ISBN: 9780648937579 (eBook)

    Title: Vitamin A to Z

    Pub Date: 1 February 2021

    RRP: AUD $9.99

    Subject: Mindful Eating, Anti-Diet Culture

    Extent: 152

    Dimensions: 160 x 110mm

  • Katherine Larsen


    Mobile: +61 482 476 610

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