Write your book from start to finish with 10 guided steps that help you fully realise your vision, to seek and embrace feedback, and prepare your manuscript to be pitch-ready.




Big Book Energy is a self-paced online course designed to guide and support you through the process of writing your book, and to help you bring a completed version of your book to whatever the next step of the publishing journey is for you.

The core purpose of my work as a publishing coach has always been to set the expectations on par with what really happens, not what people think happens. You don’t have to follow every step in my process, but if publishing your book is your dream, skipping these steps will hinder your opportunities for publication.

A pitch-ready book shines with possibility and is the best version you can make it be. As writers, we don’t have the ability to emotionally distance ourselves from our work to view it objectively.

We need people to approach our writing with a fresh perspective because it is the only way to know if the vision we are striving to achieve is actually working.

And while a professional editor will always be able to draw more from you and your writing, publishers and literary agents are not expecting that your manuscript has been professionally edited before they offer you a publishing deal.

What they are looking for is your willingness to self-edit, an openness to feedback, and a determination to improve your craft. An unpolished manuscript reveals far too much to a publisher or agent than you want it to.

In my experience, far too many writers skip these steps because of a fear of receiving feedback, or arrogance that their writing is better than it is. As harsh as it may sound, no writer is above feedback and editorial support. Every published author has always had help in shaping their stories.

Embracing your big book energy requires you to surrender to the process, remain humble, open and willing to do whatever it takes to make your story the best it can possible be.

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How it works:

Big Book Energy guides you through the 10 steps to writing your book from outlining your story (if planning is your jam), writing your first draft (from start to finish), improving your story through self-editing and peer/ professional feedback, and completing the vision you have for your book.

I recommend this process for all aspiring authors, regardless of what your publishing dreams are. This course does not contain technical advice around the craft of writing, but a big-picture overview of the book writing process.

Big Book Energy contains 10 in-depth lessons for each stage of the book writing process:

1.     Outline your Vision

2.     State your Genre

3.     Identify your genre's expected word count

4.     Outline your story

5.     Write your first draft

6.     Complete a self-structural edit

7.     Engage with your first round of feedback

8.     Complete a self-copyedit

9.     Engage with your second round of feedback

10.  Complete a self-proofread

I’m Katherine!

A reader-turned-bookseller-turned-publisher-turned-literary-agent, based in Naarm, Melbourne.

I have combined more than a decade’s worth of publishing knowledge and experience to help aspiring authors write and publish their dream book.

The Vision Method is a 4-step formula filled with the tools and strategies I used to write and publish my debut book (and it helps all of my clients on their journey’s too)!